

 avril 7, 2021

By  Administrateur initial 

Lutte antigaspillage alimentaire
  • Canteen

  • The objective is to fight against food wastage in the canteen by raising awareness among high school students and establishing a dialogue with the canteen staff.

  • We first asked the canteen manager for permission to install two large garbage cans in front of the space where the students put their lunch trays. We put up signs to warn the students that they should throw all their uneaten food into these garbage cans. After two weeks, we weighed the food that was wasted during this period, with the help of the staff.
    We then communicated the results with posters posted at the entrance of the cafeteria so that the students would pass by every day.
    Example: 1 ton wasted in two weeks is the weight of a Clio!
  • The objective is to encourage the students to take only what they are sure to eat.
    Result: after one month we had one less trash can per week!

  • First of all, don't be afraid to talk to the people in charge of the canteen. Indeed, they too want to reduce waste. It is therefore in their interest to help you implement your action.
    For posters, don't hesitate to find a striking and concrete example corresponding to the weight of your waste.
    If you feel the cafeteria staff are receptive, you can go further and try to directly remedy the waste. As a result of this experience, the staff have reduced the portions for everyone, while allowing those who want to do so to have a second helping. That way everyone wins!

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Administrateur initial

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