

 April 7, 2021

By  Administrateur initial 

  • Energy

  • - Reduce power consumption
    - Raise awareness among high school students

  • This action is simple to implement and very effective, it must be accompanied by awareness posters.
    The best places to install the multi-sockets are the school's library and the computer room. For this installation, start by talking to the bursar and the librarian of your school.

  • If you place them in the library, the librarian must agree to participate in the fight against energy waste and switch them off at the end of the day.
    If you place them in the computer room, teachers should be informed to turn off the switches at the end of the class, for example with a sign next to their desk.
    In both cases, it is important to place awareness posters for high school students with tips on how to limit the environmental impact of computer use.

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Administrateur initial

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