

 April 14, 2021

By  lycee Jules FIL 


Category: Waste

Summary of the action:

Ecostudents organised an action called “let’s limit our food waste” in the canteen the second of April 2021. 5 students, from year 11, year 12 and BTEC, together with 2 civic services youths and their EDD referent were present from the beginning of the service to raise awareness about food waste to students and adults. A “Wastemeter”, an object used to collect uneaten bread, was placed near the “leftover food disposal” stand.

The collected bread was given to animals.

The objectives: 

Raise awareness towards food waste

Insist on the importance of only choosing what we are capable to eat

Limit the quantity of uneaten bread

Exploit the collected bread

Details on the installation:

Between noon and 2 o’clock, during school hours.

Useful advice:

Inform directly the students and adults in the canteen about the conducted action.

Station students at the front of the chain to remind the objective: finish your plate ! 

Don’t feel guilty ! 

Station students at the end of the chain to explain how to use the wastemeter and its usefulness.

Difficulty of the action from 1 (very difficult) to 5 (very easy): 5

lycee Jules FIL

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