

 avril 14, 2021

By  Administrateur initial 

Couloir pour la biodiversité et fauche tardive.

Category: Biodiversity

Summary of the action:

Leave grass areas without maintenance (Corridor for biodiversity) or mowed only once a year (late mowing) in order to let biodiversity develop. 

Late mowing consists in only mowing once a year, instead of regularly mowing.

The objectives:

Increase the biodiversity of our high school by establishing continuous areas without maintenance. Raise awareness about the importance of nature in the city for establishments in urban environments. 

Details on the installation:

  1. Identify the areas that you wish to leave without maintenance

Late mowing: can be done kind of everywhere, especially in large areas that are not used often. 

Biodiversity corridors: areas where no one goes (ex: borders of a football field, borders of a path… )

The more the areas are linked and extended the more they are effective.

  1. Meet up with the person that takes care of the green areas of your school and explain the project. 
  2. Find or make wood stakes to define the biodiversity areas or corridors.
  3. Communicate about the project, this makes up a big part of raising awareness.
  4. Study the evolution of biodiversity.

Useful advice:

  1. If you do not know who takes care of the green areas, ask your high school reception or intendancy. Provide plans to explain which areas should not be taken care of. Useful argument: Late mowing and biodiversity corridors = less maintenance. 
  2. If you do not find stakes, ask your intendancy. Also provide strings (made of plant fiber with little treatment) to fold the stakes together. To plant the stakes, gather a few students (ten for fifty stakes) and bring mallets.
  3. Inform the students through social media. Create posters or signs that explain the project and place them in front of the biodiversity areas. Regularly take pictures of the biodiversity corridor to observe the evolution of biodiversity, you can also use the pictures for the communication. 
  4. Suggest this opportunity to biology teachers, or even better, invite a botanist or an entomologist at your high school, to create workshops for students !

Difficulty of the action from 1 (very difficult) to 5 (very easy): 5

Administrateur initial

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